Articles on: Salescope

Salescope: Search page

Search Page

The search page allows you to search through the Scitodate database to find the scientist you are interested in. You can enter the scientist's name in the "Name" input field. You can also enter the affiliation - usually a university - to narrow down the search.

The input fields are automatically filled in if you have set the "Name" and "Company" field on the Salesforce record.

Salescope Searchbar

Your search result might include multiple scientists with the same name. You can review which person you are looking for by checking the correctness of the name, their latest known affiliation below the name, and the fields of study they are active in.

The fields of study show the most frequent topics the scientist has researched in their publications. You can view a more extensive fields of study list inside the full scientist profile.

Click on one of the scientist cards to view the full scientist profile.

Salescope Searchresults

Updated on: 29/12/2021

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