Salescope Overview Tab
Salescope Overview Tab
The overview page allows you to get general information about the scientist, such as the:
Their name and current affiliation
Their email address (if available)
The number of publications
The number of acquired grants
The number of collaborators they have worked with
The number of company and competitor mentions
The latest paper and grant
The top collaborator
This should give you a good indication on what the author has been working on lately. From this page you can navigate to the other views, which can be used to drill deep into the data. On the other pages you can explore individual items such as papers, grants and collaborators.
If it is available, you can find the email address of the scientist below their affiliation on the top of this page.

You'll also find the following four icons below the email address:

Clicking on one of these icons will compose a search query on the respective search engine. Salescope supports at the time of writing Google, Google Scholar, LinkedIn and ResearchGate.
These buttons are useful to find further information that is not available in Salescope, for example when the email address is unknown to Scitodate. Additionally, you might want to get in touch with the scientist through LinkedIn.
The overview page is especially useful for:
Qualifying a lead
Preparing for a sales call
Checking the correctness of data in your CRM
Quickly composing queries
Updated on: 29/12/2021
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